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NEMNETNational Environmental Monitoring Network


Jos Theeuwen
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA Bilthoven
+31 30 2747025
GGD Amsterdam, EPA for the greater Rotterdam area (DCMR), the Province of Limburg and the EPA’s middle and western Brabant (OMWB).

The National Environmental Monitoring Networks monitors various environmental parameters, such as air quality, soil and groundwater quality to guarantee a healthy environment and public health safety. The equipment varies from standard sampling devices for soil and water, sensors and automated air quality monitoring systems up to highly advanced equipment such as LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectometry). The equipment is used to monitor a broad range of parameters on the quality of the environment and climate. The data provide information about the state of the environment and can signal potential problems. Moreover, the Networks provides data to comply to national and European legislation and reporting requirements. RIVM acts as the National Reference Institute for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring.

The infrastructure for air quality monitoring consists of various elements:
- 50 state of the art measurement stations and wells in a grid across the Netherlands. The air quality monitoring network measures a variety of pollutants (e.g., SO2, NOx, O3, PM10, PM2.5, NH3, soot (black carbon), CO, benzene, toluene, UFP). In combination with advanced modelling facilities forecasts are given for air quality concentrations and smog.
- Platform for high tech development of ‘Next Generation Environmental Monitoring’ systems
- a variety of sensor systems. Validation and calibration facilities for gaseous and PM sensor systems.
- ICT platform for crowd sourcing of floating sensor information from among others citizen science projects.
- Dissemination channel via websites with visualization platforms and various apps.
- Moreover effects of manure are monitored,
- Regularly soil quality and groundwater quality is measured
- and acidification and ammoniac is measured

The networks are divided into several different subnetworks:
LML: National Air Quality Monitoring Network
LMM: National Monitoring Network of Effects of Manure Policy
LMG: National Groundwater Monitoring Network
TMV: Trend Monitoring Network on Acidification
MAN: Ammonia Monitoring Network

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Not applicable
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