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anDREaaccessible network Digital Research Environment alliance


Dr. Arnoud van der Maas
P.O.Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen
Erasmus MC, UMC Utrecht, Radboudumc

anDREa is the successor of DRE. DRE was already on the NWO roadmap 2016 in the GWI-cluster ELIXIR-NL. anDREa is a digital environment where a researcher has access to and works with all their own data, analytics, and tooling. The DRE makes live of a researcher easier and more productive, it is:
- Secure
- Self-serviced (invite people, adapt policies to your study, bring-your-own-tools etc.)
- Capable of real-time collaboration
- Provides data and process audit trails
- Auditable (compliant with laws & regulations).
What makes anDREa unique is that it provides the researcher all the above in an institution context. When a project is started in anDREa, the selected institution implies governance, policies, and access rules.

anDREa took shape when the CIO's of five UMC's explored shared use of DRE in a new governance with an equal say. Erasmus MC, UMC Utrecht and Radboudumc took the lead and started anDREA. SURF was asked to propose a service model.

Aansluiting bij strategische ontwikkelingen
High Tech Systemen en Materialen
Gezondheidszorgonderzoek, preventie en behandeling
Waardecreatie door verantwoorde toegang tot en gebruik van big data