The Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center will propel research and public-private interactions in translational high-end molecular imaging and tracer development, an area in which the Netherlands (academia, SMEs as well as large industry) is internationally recognized. Breakthroughs are expected in the form of better understanding of high impact diseases and disease-specific molecular targets, more efficient development and use of diagnostics and (expensive) targeted therapy/drugs, and better understanding of inter-patient
variability. These achievements will result in reduced costs of drug development, while bringing better quality of life for patients and a reduction in healthcare costs. The infrastructure will be attractive and have open access for third party users (“on-shoring” of international R&D activities, and creating opportunities for open innovation).
The Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center (± 15.000 m2 ) will comprise 3 x 18 MeV cyclotrons and an oxygencyclotron for PET radionuclide production and GMP facilities for large scale production of PET tracers that are routinely used in the Dutch clinical hospitals. The Tracer Center Amsterdam (± 2.500 m2 ) being the R&D environment of the Imaging Center comprises GMP labs with 12 hot cells, 5 research hot cells, 14 fume hoods; extensive facilities for (radio)chemistry, pharmacology, metabolite analysis, biology and animal facilities; preclinical PET/CT, PET/MRI and Optical Scanners; LC-MS/MS and an array of other analytical equipment. For clinical purposes, the following equipment is available: 1 x PET-MRI (3T): 2 x PET-CT; 1 x SPECT-CT; 1 x Gamma Camera; 3 x CT (64, 128 en 256 MDCT); 4 x MRI (2 x 1,5 T en 2 x 3T); 2 x Angio-intervention units; 7 x Echo-units; 1 X Mammograph; 1 x DXA; 6 x Conventional röntgen unit; several mobile röntgen units for operation theater.