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Dr. Martje Fentener van Vlissingen
Doctor Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam
National collaborative network NCOH (One Health); international infrastructure networks

The high containment laboratory (BSL3) was established to meet the increasing need for infectious diseases research in view of global public health risks and (re)emerging diseases. Its design and use meets all current international standards for biorisk management (biosafety, biosecurity). The infrastructure offers research services (including permits) and research access including specific training of research personnel. The laboratory is embedded in international infrastructure networks (e.g., ESFRI-ERINHA). Complementary infrastructure at lower classification levels is available within the institution.

The high containment laboratory (BSL3) was established to meet the increasing need for infectious diseases research in view of global public health risks and (re)emerging diseases. These risks are further enhanced by growing international travel and climate change. The laboratory was designed for optimal biorisk management paired to flexibility of usage. It has 7 rooms each equipped with multiple isolators and biohazard cabinets to accommodate multiple studies in parallel (in vivo and in vitro). It operates at 4 depression levels (cascade of air pressure from outside to primary enclosure). Validated decontamination and sterilization procedures are laid out to minimize biorisk but also chemical hazards and residues. The isolators are autoclavable and have ports that couple hermetically to other devices, thus providing for an entirely closed biosafety system. It has multiple platforms for bioimaging (macro and micro), culture (cells, bacteria etc.), cell sorting and characterization, serology and sample processing for further genetic analysis. Thus, a typical integrated research chain (in vivo/ in vitro) can be conducted locally, minimizing external transport. Samples can be stored locally and banked long term on specific request. The infrastructure offers research services (including all permits required) and research access including specific training of research personnel.

Aansluiting bij strategische ontwikkelingen
Life Sciences & Health
Regeneratieve Geneeskunde: game changer op weg naar brede toepassing
Op weg naar veerkrachtige samenlevingen
Duurzame productie van gezond en veilig voedsel