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APP-LabAerodynamics and Propulsion Laboratory


Ir. Nando Timmer
Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft

"The Delft University Aerodynamics and Propulsion Laboratory (APP-Lab) provides a test environment for high quality aerodynamic and aero-acoustic experiments, novel aircraft power and (low-emission) propulsion systems for scientific research and education. Two laboratory buildings host a number of wind tunnels, from high flow quality low-speed to transonic, supersonic up to hypersonic regimes. Low-NOx-emission propulsion and power harvesting experiments are conducted by Flame-Less combustion and Organic Rankine Cycle rigs.
To meet future needs for scientific research and education, targeted at sustainable novel aircraft and propulsion concepts and noise reduction, the APP-Lab needs to replace the Low-turbulence Tunnel (LTT, erected 1953) by a new wind tunnel with larger modular test section, aero-acoustic capabilities and full access for state-of-the-art optical experiments combined with unified digital infrastructure to provide users with control of test environment and data management"

The Delft University Aerodynamics and Propulsion Laboratory (APP-Lab) provides a test environment for scientific research and education for in the following domains: high quality aerodynamic experiments, small-scale aero-acoustic analysis, novel aircraft power and (low-emission) propulsion systems. To this end the laboratory buildings host a number of facilities: high flow quality low-speed wind tunnels, an anechoic wind tunnel, a medium-scale transonic-supersonic and a hypersonic wind tunnel; flame-less combustion test stand and an ORC research facility.
The laboratories have been equipped with state-of-the-art experimental diagnostics, including pressure transducers, hot-wire anemometry, infra-red thermography, Schlieren, noise measurement by acoustic array and quantitative flow visualization by Particle Image Velocimetry.

The facilities are distributed over two locations. The main location is close to the Aerospace Engineering Faculty building and hosts the high-speed wind tunnels, an open jet low-speed wind tunnel and the propulsion and power test facilities. An important asset of the laboratory is the LTT located at the Low-Speed Laboratory (LSL) in the middle of the TUDelft campus at a distance of approx. 1.4 km from the Aerospace faculty building. the LSL laboratory building is approaching its end of life in the coming 10 years. Due to the fact that the concrete LTT channel is an integral part of the building it will not be possible to replace the building without affecting the tunnel circuit. Locating the new low-speed wind tunnel building next to existing HSL will concentrate the facilities near the Aerospace faculty with clear logistic benefits both for research and education.

The envisaged facility should be of comparable performance as the existing LTT with 1.25x1.80m low-speed low-turbulence capabilities. It should also operate efficiently with modular test section for purposes dedicated to aero-acoustic analysis, scaled aircraft propulsion, and testing at high Reynolds numbers.

The new facility will support the specific ambitions of the Aerospace Faculty for the research and innovation in the fields of (aircraft) aerodynamics, propulsion and noise reduction, specifically targeted at novel sustainable aircraft and propulsion concepts, such as the DUUC (Delft University Unconventional Configuration, Clean Sky II), the Flying V (KLM demonstrator), boundary-layer ingestion propulsion (propulsion integration) and wind turbine (aerodynamic) noise. It is expected that the faculty of Aerospace Engineering will strengthen its position as research partner for national and international cooperation in these fields within the framework of industrial and European Research programs."

Aansluiting bij strategische ontwikkelingen
Logistiek en transport in een energieke, innovatieve en duurzame samenleving